When You're The Noisy Neighbor

Written by dan the roommate man

Thanks to home offices, computer/game rooms and improved entertainment centers, Americans are spending more and more time enveloped in home activities. While having access to all that we need under our own roof is convenient, it can also be noisy.

If you live in an apartment or condominium community, you share most of your walls with neighbors. Because of this, you should be extra careful aboutrepparttar amount of noise you make. If neighbors have made complaints aboutrepparttar 110486 noise coming from your apartment, there are certain things you can do to avoid that eviction notice.

Place vibration mounts under major appliances: You can find these at your local hardware or appliance store. This will absorb some ofrepparttar 110487 sound normally caused byrepparttar 110488 vibrations of your washing machine/refrigerator/washer/dryer etc.

Place foam pads under small appliances: These work inrepparttar 110489 same way thatrepparttar 110490 vibration mounts do - just on a smaller level.

Use window drapes: fabric absorbs sound, sorepparttar 110491 more of it you use,repparttar 110492 less noisy your home will be. Most leases have a clause stating thatrepparttar 110493 floors must have 90% carpet coverage for this reason.

Seal holes or cracks in doors and windows: For doors, you can purchase regular weather stripping from a hardware store. You can use this stripping indoors as well as on doors leading outside. This is a great solution to a noisy laundry room or bathroom. To seal windows, you can use inexpensive clear caulking.

Replace metal garbage cans with plastic cans: This is pretty obvious. The smallerrepparttar 110494 area,repparttar 110495 more concentratedrepparttar 110496 noise becomes. If you have metal or aluminum garbage cans banging around,repparttar 110497 sound will be much more intense than a plastic container.

What Tenants Need To Do To Make Repair Rquests

Written by dan the roommate man

One ofrepparttar advantages to living in a rental unit isrepparttar 110485 presence of a landlord. It's a nice treat not to have to worry about finding a reliable handyman to makerepparttar 110486 needed repairs. As a tenant, you hardly ever have to worry about being handed an unreasonably large bill for fixing a leak, etc. Your landlord is responsible for seeing thatrepparttar 110487 repairs are made in your unit in a timely fashion. You are responsible for turning in a proper repair request in a timely fashion.

So what is a proper repair request? Firstly, it should ALWAYS be on paper... and it's much better if you can turn them in to your landlord typed instead of scrawled out in illegible chicken scratch. In order to avoid future complications i.e.. Your landlord saying “You never told me that needed to be fixed, and nowrepparttar 110488 kitchen's burned up! You are going to have to pay forrepparttar 110489 damages to your unit!” you'll want to make a copy ofrepparttar 110490 repair request for yourself.

The Cleveland Tenant's Organization provides several form letters for tenants to turn in to their landlords. These are great examples of whatrepparttar 110491 letter to your landlord should look like. Click here forrepparttar 110492 repair request sample.

It's very important to make sure thatrepparttar 110493 request hasrepparttar 110494 time and date on it. You might consider sendingrepparttar 110495 request through mail to guarantee that it ends up inrepparttar 110496 right hands. In any case,repparttar 110497 letter should be sent torepparttar 110498 same address and person that you send your rent checks to.

Ifrepparttar 110499 landlord contacts you and saysrepparttar 110500 repairs will be made on a certain date, you should follow up this agreement with a letter of confirmation. That way, you'll haverepparttar 110501 written promise for your records. Document exactly whatrepparttar 110502 landlord said would be done and when this will take place. Then both you andrepparttar 110503 landlord should signrepparttar 110504 letter. Likerepparttar 110505 request, give one copy of this letter to your landlord, and keep one for yourself.

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